Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Thoughts of the Day

Imagine the perfect reality...what is it?

The Trees are the Earth's beard, antennas downloading Cosmic knowledge

"yeah, no sh*t Dick Tracy!" mls

New prettylights cd is rideldo, "Passing by Behind your Eyes"

Meditate on your spirit animal, what can you learn from them?

3 Foxes have crossed my path recently, making me think how am I like the fox?

If Souls come from the Stars, Who or What is creating them?

How many lifetimes have I lived? How many different species has my Soul inhabited?

You don't need an x-box or outer technology because you have the most amazing Inner Technology

Acknowledge every Thought, think good things, if bad ones pop in, erase, and flood with the happiest Thoughts

Pos moving to Santa fe

I crave new Beatz

Look at all from every angel, you may see something you never had seen before

Right place, right time

Vegetables, Fruits, Nuts, Beans, Rice, Bread

Trying to Create an Environment that people can model their lives after...filled with Love and Happiness, sharing responsibilities, growing the food, building the houses, teaching the kids , and grooving to the Cosmic Rhythm

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